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Keep Your Political Correctness Off My Childhood

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Earlier today as I was browsing the web in order to find the answers to life and the universe (or, you know, just killing some time), I ran across a Diply article about 90’s movies. Normally, I find these articles mildly entertaining and a decent waste of a few minutes. This one, however, was attempting to disparage my youth.

And that’s not cool.

The article was really a list of events in 90s movies that “wouldn’t fly today”. As a 90s baby, I was naturally intrigued. I didn’t even make it halfway through the list before I was yelling, “Are you friggin’ kidding me?” at the screen.

Here’s just a few examples that the author included in this list:

  1. Clueless – Because Cher was portrayed as an “airhead”.

Um…really? The generation that worships the Kardashian’s has an issue with a leading lady being portrayed as a rich, shallow, spoiled teenager?

  1. Mrs. Doubtfire – Because it “made a joke” out of cross-dressing.

I mean, dude, it’s Robin Williams. ‘Nough said.

  1. Dazed and Confused – Because Wooderson was a “predator”.

Ask anyone who has seen or even heard of this movie, and I bet the first line they quote is “That’s what I love about these high school girls…” It’s classic.

  1. American Pie – Because it made a joke out of a relationship between a high school student and his buddy’s mom.

Okay, obviously it’s not alright for an adult woman to have a relationship with a high school boy. But it’s still funny. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but the show Pretty Little Liars that millennials loved so much also portrayed a relationship between an adult and a teenager.

  1. Pretty Woman – Because of the entire premise, apparently.

She’s a prostitute, he’s a rich businessman that falls in love with her anyway. It’s a modern-day fairytale, okay? And can I just point out the irony of a millennial complaining about the premise of Pretty Woman in a time when there’s a whole franchise based on 50 Shades of Grey.

Here’s the thing, I’m not saying the situations portrayed in these movies (or a lot of movies) are acceptable. But that’s kind of why they’re fictional. Not to mention, most of the movies on this list are comedies. Meaning, they’re meant to be funny. Meaning, they tend to deal with extremes, not political correctness.

What I found even more irritating was the author’s statement at the end about how these events are just unacceptable and how “we’ve come a long way”. As I pointed out in a few examples above, today’s youth have their own messed up fictional portrayals. To those I’d also like to add: Teen Mom (because that’s what society needs, to make teenage girls famous for getting knocked up) and Gossip Girl (for so many reasons not the least of which is that one of the male characters sexually assaulted two of the female characters and yet girls loved him).

So, to the generation that has to find offense with literally everything, focus on your own pop culture. Leave mine alone.

Also, stop eating Tide pods and snorting condoms. Do the next generation a favor and figure out how to use those items appropriately. ‘Kay? Thanks.


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