We’re Almost There
Just FYI, this page may contain affiliate links. Meaning, if you shop through my links, I may make a small commission at no added cost to you. Please know that if you do shop through any of my links, I am extremely grateful as it supports the blog (and buys dog treats for Jackie, Lola, and Lady). The last two months have been a bit of a whirlwind. After we moved and (sort of) unpacked I started job hunting. I ended up taking a position with one of my old bosses and working with one of my old chefs. Initially, I was coming on to work as a server and shift leader (meaning a few nights a week I would be managing the restaurant). But then the manager I was directly working for left. So now I’m the manager. And my life consists of receiving a new email or text message approximately every 5 seconds and trying to pretend I know what I’m doing. Okay, I’m kidding…it’s more like every 10 seconds. Needless to say, work has taken up a lot od the time I used to spend writing. But I’m not here to talk about something as lame as work. No, today I wanna talk about an upcoming momentous occasion. In just 75 short days, Scott and I will have survived our first year of marriage! So how are we celebrating such a grand event? A fancy dinner? A night on the town? A weekend getaway? Psssh…please. We’re going to Disney World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously can’t contain my excitement (I’ve mentioned I’m not a real adult, right?) It took a few months for us to decide whether or not a trip like this would be feasible with all the recent changes in our lives. Scott finally gave me the official go ahead to book the trip two days ago…and has since listened to me obsess over everything Disney (our marriage will survive a few months of me singing “Let It Go” and “Tale as Old as Time” …I think). This will be Scott’s first trip to the Happiest Place on Earth (though he has been to Disneyland) and my first trip since I was a teenager. Which means neither of us is an expert at planning this trip…and believe me, it takes a lot of planning. Are you staying on property or off? If you stay on property, which resort? And what about meal plans? How do FastPasses work (and what exactly are they)? Which shows do you see? Where do you eat and when do you need to make reservations? Luckily…I have a couple of secret weapons. Two of my friends are pretty much Disney World aficionados. In particular, I’ve been relying heavily on advice from my friend Hali and her blog Dammit, Hali. Now this girl is even more obsessed with all things Disney than me (I’m pretty sure she was a Disney princess in a past life). And she is amazingly generous enough to share her wealth of knowledge with the rest of the world. If you’re thinking about a trip to visit Mickey Mouse and have no idea where to start, her post “PLANNING OUR WALT DISNEY WORLD HONEYMOON WITH TIPS & SECRETS” is incredibly informative. With my friends help I was able to determine a nice time of year to visit (September, during the International Food & Wine Festival), choose a reasonably priced resort (Coronado Springs) and decide which dining plan was the best value (their middle-tier option). Now I’m counting down until I can reserve FastPasses for the rides we know we’ll want to experience (definitely Kilimanjaro Safaris and Avatar Flight of Passage) and stalking the reservation system for a cancellation at Be Our Guest (the Beauty and the Beast themed restaurant where you can meet the Beast and eat the Grey Stuff, which sadly books up about six months in advance). I’m also trying to convince Scott that we can’t truly experience Disney without seeing the Frozen Sing-Along Celebration. He say’s I should just let it go. But he’s got about as much luck with that as Olaf in the Sahara.Related
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